Birthday Meal for Lauree


Monday Evening, May 13

6:00 pm


It was time for Lauree’s birthday meal at our place – with an order-in calzone (ham and broccoli) and two cheese steaks.

Lainey, Nate, Emmy and Lauree

We had cupcakes as part of our dessert and put two candles in one for Emmy since her birthday was also this week. Her birthday gift from us will be swimming with cousins this summer at Refreshing Mountain.

We thought she would have fun blowing out two candles – and she did seem to like it.

Little sister Lainey wasn’t sure what to think about the birthday song and candles.

Emmy asked to see her dad’s elk (again) and discovered that we had a large bucket of outdoor toys.

We enjoy having the grandchildren here for their birthdays instead of taking them to a restaurant and those with children seem to enjoy it too because they don’t have to find a babysitter and there is more time to visit.