A Weeping Pussy Willow Tree in Memory of Hannah

We have been thinking about a new, unique tree that would fit into our woodlot, in memory of our granddaughter Hannah – who died suddenly on July 4, 2023, from a blood clot.

We were discussing a location for a pussy willow bush, until yesterday when we stopped at Esbenshade’s Garden Center and discovered a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree. I am not sure how we never knew about these.

We borrowed Jere’s pickup truck this morning and brought it home.

The pussy willows (catkins) are larger and fuzzier than those of a regular pussy willow bush.

For now, it is in position next to the Redbud Tree which we planted in memory of Cerwin’s mother. Planting will happen sometime next week.


Memorial trees or flowers in our yard began when my mom gave us 10 crocus bulbs for our 10th wedding anniversary (September 1973). She died when a cancerous tumor burst the following March and became a memorial to her when they bloom each March.

Since then we planted a tree in memory of our loved ones following their death: dogwood tree – our grandson Elijah; cherry tree – my dad; weeping cherry tree – Cerwin’s dad; blooming pear tree – my step-mother; and a red bud tree – Cerwin’s mom.