Our daughter Deb was pleased to hold her book shortly after it arrived in our mail a few weeks ago. We bought one for us and each of our children.
It was toward the end of 2022 when she asked if I would consider answering one question a week (each Monday) which would in turn create a StoryWorth book.
I loved the idea and decided that each of us would answer the questions, so we didn’t have to do it a second time for Cerwin. She began asking questions at the end of 2022. They ended on the first Monday of January 2024. There were 55 questions.
We faithfully did our best to answer the questions, which could be edited until we declared the book finished.
A few samples of the questions and answers:
The above pages were in response to our jobs.
Thanks, Deb, It was fun doing this.
Hey, where’s the link for ordering the book?!?!
This should get you there.
Oh, so it’s not like one can go on Amazon or wherever to order a copy… At least I couldn’t find where to order one. I may just have to borrow yours, then! 🙂
Oh, I thought you wanted to create one. 🙂 Yes, you can borrow ours.
Copy’s for sale?
No, I just got enough for our children and one for us.
I love this idea — it’s even better than recording the stories as they are told to you verbally, and will make wonderful memory books for your children and grandchildren, etc.!
I agree. It will be fun for the children and grandchildren to read.