Saturday Evening, January 27 at Grace Point Church, Ephrata, PA

We like to go early enough to have time to visit the vendors.

Western Kansas Outfitters had a beautiful dog that was trained for tracking. There were always too many people around it to get a picture.

I think this gentleman has been at every hunting expo we attended at this church. He makes beautiful archery bows.

I always enjoy seeing our friend Fred Stauffer (right) here as well with his Eyeluminator equipment. This year he had their son along. If I remember correctly, his name is Mark.

This was the first time I remember seeing Mike and Dottie Hayes who are the founders of TheStand Outdoors. Their mission is to provide Bible studies to outdoorsmen all over the world. You can learn about it on their website: Pennsylvania Hunting and Bible Study – The Stand Outdoors.

Being welcomed to Grace Point Sportsmen’s Expo.

The first speaker was Dallas Fuhrman of Nighthawk Drone Services. It was so interesting to hear how he tracks deer, finds lost pets and provides a few other services. This service is not yet legal in all states – including Pennsylvania.

He gave us a demonstration of his drone when he turned it on the audience. No, he did not fly it in the building.

First, we saw the audience on the large screen in front of us. I am right next to the center of the drone (left) taking this picture.

Then he went through the process of changing the audience to thermal mode.

This is how he is able to track a deer that has been shot, when the hunter cannot find it.

This slide is divided into two parts. The lower part is a standing cornfield where there is supposedly a deer that the hunter shot. The upper part shows the “hot spot” where the deer is located when the drone is changed to thermal mode.

Dallas started hunting when he was 12 and began archery hunting at the age of 14. We found his information very interesting. You can learn about Nighthawk Drone Services on his Facebook page (1) Facebook.

Grace Point Church provides a delicious meal – which was served at 5 PM.

There was pulled pork, meat loaf (we think it was venison), mashed potatoes, green beans (under the dinner roll), baked beans, coleslaw, drinks and desserts. I am not a fan of baked beans, but these are the best I have ever tasted.

After supper there was a recognition of these 4 young people who completed their first successful hunting season last year. Kevin van Buskirk presented the awards.
Following that, there were lots of door prizes.

We thoroughly enjoyed the last speaker as well. Steve shared how God used hunting to influence his life – especially experiences with his dad Ed and son Jacob.

He was born in Boston and loved hunting with his dad at Shoebox Camp in Potter County, PA. He worked for Gor-Tex right out of college and traveled all over the world on hunting expeditions. He mentioned that Halftime by Bob Buford and The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren changed his life.

He and his wife live in Pennsylvania where he sees elk in his backyard. His passion is bowhunting for elk.
Grace Point provides the best Hunting Expos.
I am NOT a hunter, but I always enjoy your posts about these expos!
That is interesting to know. I thought the non-hunters who read my blog might not appreciate this kind of post.