White Oak Church – Food and Fruit Baskets and Poinsettias


Wednesday, December 6


I went to our church fellowship hall to get a few pictures of the fruit basket packing.

Shrinking the cellophane paper.

Adding the name of the person who will receive this fruit basket.

The final touch was a pretty ribbon.

These are often thank-you gifts for a service to the church. They are also delivered to anyone in the church who is 80 years and older – the reason we get one.

The grocery boxes had been prepared a day or two earlier. These will go to people in the church and community who have gone through a difficult time this year – house fires, illness, etc.

Pointsettias are also thank you gifts to people for serving the church in some way.

Church members sign up to deliver these items. We delivered two the following day.

In this week’s bulletin, the committee thanked everyone for their help and said they packed and delivered 17 poinsettias, 30-one-peck fruit baskets, 73-half peck fruit baskets and 31 grocery boxes.