Nicole’s Bridal Shower


Sunday, November 19th

1:00 pm

The White Room

Grant Street, Lancaster PA


Nicole is marrying our grandson, Jordan, on January 20, 2024.

The guest gifts included a bag of honey, honey pretzels, a honey dipper stick, and two cup coasters.

People enjoyed getting acquainted and looking at the photos on the wall and tables.

Lunch is almost ready.

There was white chili and regular chili along with a variety of corn bread and corn chips.

The Autumn Harvest Cider was delicious.


Nicole and Jordan before getting their lunch.

Guests choosing lunch items.

Enjoying conversation during lunch

Deb took this picture of Jordan and me, so I was surprised to find it when I downloaded the pictures from my camera card.

The gifts

The seat for the bride-to-be.

Opening gifts

Nicole and her mom

Nicole and Jordan with her parents.

Jordan and Nicole with his three sisters, Jenna, Diana, Gloria, and sister-in-law Lauree

Jenna, Diana, Nicole, Jordan, Gloria, Lauree and his mom Chris who is holding Jenna’s Harper.

Each of the daughter’s and daughters-in-law in Jeff and Chris’ family.

Nicole and Jordan with some of her family members. Sorry, I don’t know their names or their relationship with Nicole. I know there are parents, grandparents, and maybe some aunts.

It was a delightful afternoon and especially nice to meet Nicole’s family.