Friday Morning, September 23

I asked to retire from the responsibility of taking special photos for this event, but still go out of “habit” – and to taste some of the good food.

I even convinced Cerwin to go along and help me choose some baked goods and share an order of fries and ham and bean soup. I also told him that he will see lots of people he knows. We chose a pack of Moravian sugar cake from the baked goods table.

After checking out the baked goods and fruit and vegetables, we went to the heifer auction.

That is a one of the special events on Friday morning.

This is where one dairy farmer donates a heifer to the auction for another farmer to buy. If I remember correctly most if not all heifers are pregnant. This auction creates a large amount of money for disaster relief.

I think I enjoy seeing these pretty heifers because of growing up on a dairy farm.

Love her pretty brown face.

This young woman is waiting to take her heifer to the auction block.

Our next stop was the French fry stand. After making our purchase, we sat next to the theme basket display to share the delicious fries. The theme baskets are popular auction items.

Of course, I had to walk by the quilts.

This throw was put together and donated by our church.

After taking the quilt pictures and these croched animals, we ordered a cup of hot ham and bean soup to share and got another quart to take home for Sunday lunch.
Well, that was a delightful Saturday morning.
That sounds like a good decision to ‘retire’ from photographing the auction == it gave you a fun opportunity just to look at all the items, to eat some of the goodies, and to enjoy the animals One of my favorite summer activities here used to be a visit to the County Fair, where the 4-H kids sold the animals they had raised, and all sorts of crafts, quilts, photos, etc. were dispayed!
I keep trying to retire from things.
Hah — that’s not easy when you enjoy the things you are doing!