A Birthday Party for Peyton & Bailey


Sunday Afternoon, September 10


We always enjoy going to their birthday parties and eating the results of their dad’s grilling.

There were so many delicious food choices.

I took a picture of this plate of food – I think it was Elvin’s (Cerwin’s brother). Apparently, he likes macaroni. The one on the left is macaroni salad. The one on the right is his wife’s delicious mac and cheese. I must get that recipe. It has creamed corn in it.

They have a great outdoor setting for friends and picnics.

The birthday girls – Bailey and Peyton. They are the granddaughters of Elvin and Pat, thus our great nieces.

Bailey will soon turn 12 and Peyton will be 14. Notice the football game on the TV in the background.

They were in the corn crib that Jakey refurbished. He got it from a farmer, then put it up in their back yard at the height he wanted. I took this photo during a previous visit.

The girls with grandparents.

The girls with their parents – Jakey and Crystal. Not everyone was happy with the football score. 🙂

Pretty flowers in their backyard.