I missed getting a photo of the Blue Moon on August 30, but was able to capture it a day later. By this time it is a Waning Gibbous

I used a variety of settings to see which one l liked best.

I really don’t have a preference, so will post four of them.

A blue moon is not really blue, but the term is used when there are two full moons in one month.

Things I learned about the last full moon in August 2023.
From the Internet:
The Full Moon on Wednesday, August 30, is a special one. It’s the closest, biggest, and brightest Moon of the entire year, plus it’s also a Blue Moon.
This Full Moon is also a “Supermoon.” In fact, it’s the closest Supermoon of 2023. “Supermoon” is a catchy term for what astronomers call “a perigean full Moon” which is when the full Moon happens at or near its closest point to Earth in its oval-shaped orbit.
It’s exceptionally close in Moon miles from Earth (222,043 miles). The next time we’ll have a closer full Supermoon is November 5, 2025, when the moon lies 221,817 miles from Earth.
Beautiful! So glad you posted these photos; we had clouds over here so there was only a partial view.
Glad you could see it through my lens.
#2 seems sharpest, but there is something about the haze around #3 that makes it a nice shot too! The supermoon statistics are interesting — we should be able to see that in just 2 years!!
I enjoyed the results of the variety of settings.