Thursday, August 3

After leaving Brugge, we headed northwest to the city of Knokke which is located on the North Sea. The North Sea covers 40 miles of Belgium’s shoreline.

I noticed this pretty sunflower as we approached the shore. There was a flower garden next to the sidewalk.

We could see a ship in the distance.

It was a cold windy day with choppy seas, meaning no one was allowed to be swimming. There were a few people walking along the edge of the water.

We kept our shoes on, so didn’t go very close to the water. Rebekka, Anneke, Hans and Cerwin.

Rebekka took this photo with one of our cell phones.

Anneke and Hans

Anneke, Hans and Rebekka

The scene when I turned my back to the sea.

We were ready for something warm and found a restaurant with a view of the boardwalk and sea.

These rolls came with my order of soup.

Photo from the Internet.
I ordered Kervelsoep – the soup of the day. I had no clue what I was getting, but it sounded interesting. In English, it is called Chervil Soup. It was quite delicious.

From the Internet
Kervel (Chervil) is an herb. I had never heard of it.

We relaxed in the warm restaurant while enjoying soup, coffee or soda and watched the many people who went by the window.

Then it was time to walk back to the van.

We liked these elaborate golf carts.
We saw more farming in this area as we headed home. There were dairy cows and fields of sugar beets and corn. There were not any good opportunities for me to get pictures.

Back at the house, it was time to watch Rebekka feed her Gecko. I think she had a live cricket on a pair of tweezers. We share the room with Sakura because we were sleeping in Rebekka’s bed. She slept in a small room where Hannah sleeps when she is home.

I think Rebekka said Sakura is 2 years old. The name, Sakura, is Japanese for flower.

On this map you can see the direction we went when leaving Hans and Anneke’s house and that the North Sea is not that far from the city of Brugge (where we were earlier in the day).
Wonderful photos of a cold, windy seashore, with a tanker ship offshore! The tourist atmosphere is very familiar — though it would be nice to have cooler temps right now!
You are more familiar with views of the sea/ocean than we are.