Date: June 28. Notice the road and the homestead buildings. These pictures were taken from our dining area window.

Date: July 5. The road is almost invisible from our house.

Date: July 16. The road is no longer visible from our kitchen, and the buildings are covered up to the shed roof. No corn tassels.

Date: July 23. Less of the buildings are visible. Corn tassels are making the field look yellow-tipped.

Date: July 23. A closer view of the tassels which are fairly new.

Cerwin took a picture of me today so you can get an idea of the height of the corn. I am 5′ 7″. Cerwin was standing and did not take the picture from a lower position to make the corn look tall.

This is amazing to us as the corn had a slow start – during a dry spell. Then it began to rain every few days causing the cornstalks to grow very tall.
That looks like you might have been able to hear the corn growing!
I think we may have been able to do that if we slept ouside.
Needing extra quiet so the sound can be heard?