Saturday, June 10
I don’t do a great job of remembering names of some of our perennials, so I determined to find the name of this ground cover plant which is next to our house – at the bottom of our patio steps.

I Googled – perennial with purple/green leaves and spikey stems with flowers.

Before long I determined that they are a Coral Bells variety – probably “Palace Purple”.

I was kind of surprised to learn that part of the name was “bell” until I looked at the flowers.

That was an interesting lesson for this week.
White coral bells upon a slender stalk,
Lilies of the valley line my garden walk.
Oh, don’t you wish
That you could hear them ring?
That will happen only when the fairies sing!
I vaguely remember that verse about white coral bells! They are very pretty, and must be lovely as a ground cover!
I’m not sure I ever heard that verse.
Love that!
I hit “post” before I was finished! My coral bells are pink, not white. But they ARE on a slender stalk.
I was watching a honey bee flitting around mine this afternoon. 
Ours are kind of pink when they are buds.
That “verse” was a song I learned either in grade school or camp – I don’t remember which. Probably camp because it was a round. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=white+coral+bells+song&docid=603539125272642218&mid=7BFE07D98294951174C57BFE07D98294951174C5&view=detail&FORM=VIRE