They were only here for a couple of hours while Abby and Renee went to an appointment. I wanted to get a photo of them before they went home. It appears that the sun was a problem for all three of them – Natalie, Jasmine and Anthony.

Abby had just returned, so I didn’t try for another location.

Shortly after they left this Rose-breasted Grosbeak stopped in for some sunflower seeds. It was the first time I saw one this year. However, it was a rather sorry looking bird because it didn’t have any feathers on the top of his head.
I understand that happens due to mite infestations, stress-related issues, or nutritional issues. It is probably mites, because his other feathers were okay. They can’t reach the top of their heads, but they can get the mites in their other feathers.
Those are cute photos of the three great grandchildren, despite the problem with the sun! How fun to grow up with so many cousins about the same ages!
We feel blessed that they live very close to us.