Wednesday, June 7
12:30 pm
We loved that we had an opportunity to pick up our youngest grandson, Jesse, when school closed early on the next to last day of school. He liked the idea of going to the Twin Kiss for lunch.

He chose a milk shake and Cerwin and I shared a root beer.

The Twin Kiss has been in Manheim since 1952. I expect it was our town’s first fast-food restaurant.
It was a favorite eating place for me and co-workers when I worked in a nearby office (from the summer of 1961 – after graduating from high school – to the summer of 1964 – when expecting our oldest son Jeff in the early fall). In those days, women at that office had to quit work about three months before our due date.

Jesse enjoyed a hamburger and French fries while we shared a cheese steak and French fries.
This could be the last time we have the opportunity to pick him up from school, as he will be getting his driver’s license later this year.
Goodness — interesting to see there’s a fast food place that has outlasted your youngest grandchild, both before and after his life! The kids do all grow up and fly the coop, don’t they?! <3
We love every age and enjoy watching them grow into adults.