A Birthday Party for Our Friend Nelson


Saturday Evening, June 3


The party was at Nelson and Nancy’s son and daughter-in-law’s place. They have a fabulous view from high up in their mountain home.

Nelson and Cerwin.

It was fun surprising him. He expected the party was only going to include their children and grandchildren.

The meal was delicious.

Nancy makes delicious baked goods – including the cream puffs she served at the party. She made sure they weren’t all chocolate covered because some of their family members do not like chocolate.

She did the same thing in pleasing the family who don’t like peanut butter icing. 🙂

At just the right time each of the grandchildren who were there came inside to sing happy birthday. (Nelson is the one with white hair – his back to the camera.) His brother, Cleason and wife, Sheri are seated at the table. We know them, but don’t often get to spend one-on-one time with them – getting to know them better. That was a special treat.