Saturday, May 27

Nancy was telling me about her pretty peonies at Jana’s graduation party a week earlier.

How thoughtful of her to bring us a bouquet.

She knew they had a special meaning to us, because the originals came from Cerwin’s mom.

That’s a bit of a story. We don’t know where Mother High got them, but after Cerwin’s sister Velda and her husband bought a house in our area, she transferred some to their new place.
Then years later, when they sold the house and moved to a new place, my sister’s daughter Amy and her husband bought the house.
Then several more years later, Marlin and Nancy retired to that house!

Peonies are some of my favorite flowers.

I transferred some here (from Dustan and Jenna’s house) several years ago and though the plants are doing well, we only get a bloom or two. I think they need a spot with more sunshine.
Cerwin and I decided that when they are finished blooming this year, we are going to move them to a sunnier spot.
Pink ones, too – how beautiful! Over here it’s just white and red (plus that weird one). And he ones that seem to have a soft yellow center – is that light playing on the white ones, or do they really have that soft center?
I never even heard of peonies growing up in CA. Maybe they don’t grow there? I first saw them when we moved to IN. in 1965, They are so lush, and they smell so good! Unfortunately my sense of smell has diminished with age, so I’m mostly remembering their fragrance. Mine are dying already, due to our hot dry weather.
Our own peony just started blooming. I may have to bring it in for the weekend.
Peonies do grow in Southern California, but are not commonly used in gardens here! I don’t know why not, because they are so pretty!
All the ones over here are in full sun and bloom abundantly!
Yes, I hoped they didn’t need full sun, but apparently that is what they like.
Those are beautiful — I do hope you can coax yours to flower that profusely!
We are going to try.
Peonies are spectacular. I wish they had a longer blooming season.
Yes, it would be nice if they bloomed all summer.