Wednesday, May 24

The east wind brought down Locust blossoms like snow. Or was it manna.

The Locust trees in our woods and on the east end border of the corn field next to us bloom every year, but we don’t remember having an east wind bring so many blossoms down on our house and property like this year.

We have four Locust trees in our yard. They are very old and tall.
Following the east wind, there were Locust blossoms everywhere…

Our driveway…

The slate

The edge of our driveway

In the birdbath

On the porch

On our new roof

When I was outside the next day, I looked up and saw this beauty against the clear blue sky.

I wish the trees weren’t so tall. I would love to smell their delightful sweetness.
It really does look like snow — but the remaining flowers are beautiful too!
It looked like snow as it was coming down.