Youth Group Service Day


Saturday, May 13

8:30 am


Those in our congregation who welcomed help on Saturday, May 13, were asked to notify a youth group contact person and let them know what you needed done.

This was the first year we told them we could use help with mulching and putting stones in our flower beds near the house. Five of them arrived promptly at 8:30 am.

I like that the girls didn’t mind getting their hands dirty. One of them told me they feel restricted if they wear gloves. That’s my kind of girl.

Their second job was to spread red stone in the flower beds near our house.

When we had termites about a dozen years ago, the termite control guy told us not to put mulch near our house because our location in a woodlot attracts termites.

When that was finished, we asked them to carry our patio furniture to the memory garden.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned to one of our children that we were looking at new patio chairs because ours had faded quite a bit. Consequently, that child contacted her siblings – and we are now getting new patio chairs. 🙂

When they finished, we offered them a snack of juice or water and corn chips and caramel popcorn. That is when I asked them to pose for this picture. I wonder if I can get their names correct? Deitrick, Marcia, Andrea, Alexis and Caden. (Andrea is the one I am most uncertain about because there are three sisters. I think she is the youngest.) Thanks. You did a great job.

When they were finished at our place they were moving on to Deitrick, Marcia and Caden’s grandparents. I think they were doing some outside power washing and inside cleaning.

If I remember correctly there were five youth teams with five people each doing the service projects for the day.

Our yard looks so nice now with fresh mulch and stones.

These flowers were a Mother’s Day gift from Jeff and the old, tattered shoes on the left were my dad’s. He last wore them in 1997. They have been here since he died in July 1997. That means they have weathered rain, snow and sun for twenty-six years.