Monday Evening, May 8

After a taco salad supper, we were ready for his birthday party.

There were decorations hanging around that left us know we were having a party.

Grammy Diane was here from Maine and Aunt Lydia had come from the southern end of the county. They are holding Anthony’s youngest sister Renee.


Aunt Hannah was also here from Maine.

Anthony’s oldest sister Jasmine.

Second sister Natalie

Abby and Jazzy lighting candles

Singing Happy Birthday.
Anthony’s Grandpa Zuck is sitting next to Cerwin. I failed to get a photo that included him.

He is into snakes. The design toward the bottom of the cake is a snake.

They were hoping for a family picture, but Jazzy was unhappy and sitting on the floor and Renee was crying.

They settled for a picture of Anthony with Mom (Abby) and Dad (Nathaniel).

Mom and Anthony

In addition to cake, we had delicious chocolate covered strawberries and bananas – made by Grandma Zuck – who was not able to come.

There was also watermelon which was quite refreshing.

He loved his lemur. He is into anything to do with nature – animals and reptiles.

This really cool light was part of the package of gifts from Grandpa and Grandma Zuck.
We love celebrating birthdays for great grandchildren.
I can hardly believe Anthony is NINE already!!! Where have those years flown to??
I know. Our youngest grandson, Jesse, will be 16 this summer. Time keeps moving.
What a wonderful cake — and the lemur “takes the cake!”