April 19 – 12:03 pm – Raking grass into rows for harvesting.

April 21 – 10:38 am – spreading manure on the harvested field.

April 22 – 4:02 pm – A storm coming across our valley.

I enjoy seeing the designs a heavy rain puts on our windows.

Diane had just cleaned our windows that afternoon, then the evening wind and rain plastered them with cherry blossom petals.

May 1 – 1:20 pm. This day started a series of issues with our internet and printers. All because we called to discontinue our fax line which we are no longer using. It turned out that our fax and landline had been intermixed throughout the years as we added new computers, modems, printers, the fax line and other things to system.
Removing the fax line shut down our whole internet system. Windstream had a field tech here within hours. During that time, I told him that we were thinking about moving our modem, printer and scanner upstairs (We no longer use our basement office – after retiring from TFC Global a year ago.)
He seemed pleased about that and asked me to show him where we wanted it. He was happy about that location, because he could then hook us up to fiber optic. That means we get much higher speed internet. That sounded good to us. He came back the next workday and made that happen.
However, after that we could not make our printer “talk” to our laptops. Roy and Deb came last week after Jana’s graduation from Lancaster Bible College, but he couldn’t make it happen either. He did get the scanner connected to my laptop. Our older printer needed a new router.
I called a local computer tech on Monday – Fix My Computer. I never needed him because I always used the company hired by TFC. We were so impressed with Dave’s computer and internet knowledge and now have a full working system.

May 4 – 10:40 pm – I noticed that our lilac bush was beginning to bloom.

May 4 – 6:44 pm. One of our small azalea bushes bloomed more brilliantly that usual.

May 6 – 12:24 pm. I saw our first hummingbird of the year.

May 6 – 9:59 pm. When I saw the time on this picture, I thought, “I never stay up that late.” Then remembered that Diane said, “You will find a picture of the moon in your camera because it was so pretty that night. It was in the Waning Gibbous phase. Thanks, Diane for this pretty photo.
A lovely post of your daily life — the internet issues plague us all at one time or another, and the flowers and the moon are all beautiful!
Thanks. It was a way to catch up on these photos.