Month: February 2023
A Frigid Winter Day is Good for Spreading Manure
~~~ Saturday, February 4 ~~~ I heard the sound of equipment in the field below us about 6:30 am and knew it was a perfect day for spreading manure on the fields because the ground was frozen. By 7:54 the sun was up, and I could see the truck and the manure. You might think […]
The Homestead Pond Has Been Updated Again!
~~~ Friday, February 3 ~~~ When we drove by the pond at 9:30 am, Mountainside Excavators, Inc. was putting stones around the pond. By the time we came home in the midafternoon, he was finished. I didn’t take these pictures until two days later when the pond was frozen. The area that is not stoned, […]
Cabela’s – Hamburg, PA
~~~ Friday, February 3 ~~~ Remember that I mentioned in yesterday’s post that we went to Cablela’s after having lunch at Cracker Barrel? Inge had never been here, so I took her on a quick walkthrough of the displays. Cerwin and Sam stayed in the entrance area. We said we’d be back in 15-20 minutes. […]
Cracker Barrel with Friends
~~~ Friday, February 3 11:00 am ~~~ Our delightful lunch began when Pearl Nussbaum told us they would be visiting their son’s family in Allentown, PA, and could we meet on February 3 somewhere about halfway between us and Allentown. Cracker Barrel at Hamburg served that purpose quite well. Gary and Pearl are long-time TFC […]
Wren Vs Chipmunk
The other day I was watching a Carolina Wren and thought it resembled a chipmunk. So, I pulled up one of my chipmunk pictures to compare them. Well, maybe not so much! But they do have similar stripes above their eyes.
Morning Sunrise ~ Evening Visitor
~~~ Thursday, February 2 ~~~ The sunrise wasn’t as pretty as some days, but each day comes with its own beauty. By evening we were honored with a visit by Jordan – our second oldest grandson. He brought some pretty antler sheds that he found in one of the areas where he hunts. He knew […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Josh
We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High
Look at the Purple Sky!
~~~ Sunday, January 29 7:03 am ~~~ Then it gradually changed to red/orange
An Afternoon with Marlin and Nancy
~~~ Wednesday, February 1 2:30 pm ~~~ We always have a good day when we go out with my sister and her husband. It was our turn to choose a destination and restaurant. This time we chose a private location where we knew we could see a few young deer before they are released into […]
A Hairy Woodpecker Visited Our Suet
~~~ Sunday, January 29 4:00 pm ~~~ Hairy Woodpeckers are not a rare visitor – we see them on occasion – while we see Downys almost every day. The Hairy is almost identical to the Downy except it is larger and has a longer beak. When you see one, you know it is not a […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Donovan We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High.
Sportsmen’s Expo
~~~ Saturday, January 28 4:00 pm Grace Point Church, Ephrata, PA ~~~ We arrived early and looked at the displays before the 1st seminar. I started with a taxidermist display of wild turkey. He also had a rattlesnake display. I always enjoy the beautiful display of this archery equipment. This was our crew this year: […]
God Painted the Sky Purple and Orange
~~~ Tuesday, January 24 7:11 am ~~~
European Starling
I know they are pesky critters, but winter starlings look pretty in the afternoon sunshine. A fun fact about starlings: A migrating flock of starlings can number 100,000 birds.
Look at the Homestead Pond Now!
~~~ Thursday, January 26 ~~~ Remember when the Homestead Pond looked like this last summer? Then, after excavating, it looked like this. Notice the white drainage pipe on the upper right. This is what it looks like now. The fall and winter rains and snow have filled the pond – and the spring – which […]