Friday, February 3
11:00 am
Our delightful lunch began when Pearl Nussbaum told us they would be visiting their son’s family in Allentown, PA, and could we meet on February 3 somewhere about halfway between us and Allentown.

Cracker Barrel at Hamburg served that purpose quite well.
Gary and Pearl are long-time TFC friends from Ohio – since the early 1990s. At the time there were only two regional directors – Gary and Cerwin – so we connected on the same level – somewhere between the headquarters office and the field staff. That relationship bonded us throughout the years – and still does.
They were also hoping that it would suit several others like Bunny, Peg, Sam and Inge. It did suit those four, but there were others that were not able to come.

Clockwise: Bunny, Peg, Inge, Me, Pearl, Cerwin, Gary and Sam

Our sweet waitress took the pictures and tried another angle, which didn’t turn out as well due to the lighting, but it gives you another perspective of our friends.

Because we met at 11 am, some of us chose breakfast, others chose lunch.

It was wonderful to catch up on Gary and Pearl’s life and family. They are now retired from TFC.

Posing outside before Gary and Pearl headed to their son’s place where they were staying with grandchildren while the parents went to a wedding in Puerto Rica. Bunny and Peg also headed home while Sam, Inge, Cerwin and I went next door to Cabela’s. Inge had never been there.
I will tell you about that in my next afternoon post.
Your group picture outside turned out way better than mine!
I never got everyone to look at the camera.
Love seeing you all together!! Sorry I missed it!
We missed you.