Saturday, January 28
4:00 pm
Grace Point Church, Ephrata, PA

We arrived early and looked at the displays before the 1st seminar. I started with a taxidermist display of wild turkey.

He also had a rattlesnake display.

I always enjoy the beautiful display of this archery equipment.

This was our crew this year: Cerwin, Jeff, Jere, Ian, Jared and Jesse. I found it interesting that they sat by age – oldest to youngest.

Brodie Swisher from Paris, Tennesse, was the featured speaker and began the first seminar by teaching four young men how to call a turkey.

Next on the evening program was a delicious meal prepared by church members.

Following the meal, nine young people were given an award for their first successful hunt. Kevin (hidden behind the children) was in charge of this part of the program. We knew only one person – the young girl in white (4th from left). Allison and her parents are members of our church.

Brodie kept everyone’s attention by showing many slides and telling interesting and funny hunting stories.

He closed the program by showing how he used a moving “thingamajig” to draw a coyote in for the kill and related it to how Satan distracts us from staying alert and from keeping our eyes on Jesus – then before we know it Satan has gotten our full attention.