Sunday, September 4
After two Sundays of being occupied with our congregation’s 250th anniversary, I had time to go to the fellowship hall this past week to see what was on the “Share the Harvest” table.
When I saw these pretty, deep red cockscomb flowers, I didn’t hesitate in taking one of the bouquets that was beautifully arranged in a pint jar.
I am not aware that I ever had any of these in one of our flowerbeds. Thank you to whoever shared these with our church family.
I was pleased to find a fairly large container of sweet onions. I only needed two, so left plenty for others to enjoy. There is a young couple in our congregation who raise acres of these and have been sharing some that don’t qualify as first grade.
They are indeed quite sweet and delicious.
Great idea for a harvest table.
We usually share our harvest with food banks, but since fresh things can’t be shared with most of them, someone had this idea, and we agree that it a great idea.