Swimming with Granddaughters and Great Grandchildren


Tuesday, August 9

11:00 AM to 12:50 PM


We scheduled this swim date several days earlier as we tried to suit each of the great grandchildren who live in our area – and their mothers. There are 8 great’s who live nearby.

Scheduling at Refreshing Mountain is done online for a 1 hour and 50-minute swim slot. You can schedule two or more time slots. An hour and 50 minutes is long enough for most young children.

This is the great grandchildren’s 2022 birthday gift.

Abby is holding Natalie and Jasmine is playing next to her. Next is Lauree. Her baby Emmy is sleeping is a stroller behind Cerwin. Cerwin watched the babies. It looks like Diana is talking to Grandpa about Waylon.

Bennett took to the water like a fish.

Jenna said, “You will have to come in the water to get a picture of Drake. I expect he won’t get farther than the step. He hasn’t gotten used to water yet.”

He seemed content to settle on the step.

With goggles and flippers, Anthony, moved through the water like a seal.

Emmy woke up and was happy for a while, until she decided that she was hungry. Lauree took care of that need.

Cerwin was entertaining Waylon who was satisfied for quite a while, before he gave into hunger pangs.

After Jenna took Drake for a walk in the water and bounced him up and down a few times, he became brave and played with a sprinkler wheel.

Abby, Lauree and Diana and these little ones hung out in the low water area. I caught Anthony (orange) traveling through.

Jasmine wasn’t happy alone and Natalie wanted Mommy too, so Abby spent much of her time entertaining both of them. A few of us tried to get one of the girls, but Mommy is where they wanted to be.

Jade, Drake and Jenna moving toward the steps.

Emmy was content in the shade.

Great Grandpa and Waylon were doing okay too. Cerwin is happy when he can sit in the shade and help with the little ones.

Jasmine, Abby and Natalie

Bennett pouring water from a bucket to a cup, enjoyed watching the water overflow.

Imagine my surprise when I looked up and saw Drake splashing in the fountain. Something must have changed in his mind that turned him from being very cautious to being very brave. A couple times when he was holding his mom’s hand, he tripped and fell into the water and came up laughing. Jenna was quite pleased with his new love for water.

Look at the old people with sleeping babies. 🙂

Somewhere during our hour and 50 minutes, we managed to eat lunch before going home. Pizza and milkshakes were a hit for the day. They also serve delicious paninis and refreshing drinks.