Pretty Flowers in Our Yard – Early May


Sunday Afternoon May 8


These pictures are from several weeks ago. There were so many happenings and pretty photo opportunities in May that I am still catching up. Yes, most of these are finished blooming by now and the tree buds are full leaves.



We still have one very old Dogwood tree that is native to our woodlot. It is kind of tall and spindly, but the flowers were pretty this year.

These tiny wildflowers brought back memories of seeing them here when I went to the one room schoolhouse next door. That was more than 50 years ago.

Wild violets

May Apples

Bleeding Hearts

The ferns are expanding their territory in our memory garden.

Young oak leaves

Leaves ready to burst open.

A pretty purple flower on one of our perennials.

Rhododendron buds

I hope you enjoyed this Sunday afternoon walk around our yard.