Roots Country Market & Auction


Tuesday, May 17

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM


It has been many years since we were at Roots. Partly because we were busy and partly because I am not excited about crowded areas.

First, we met our friend Jim who has a stand across the road at the flea market. He sells Winross model trucks – and we had a few to give him after emptying the TFC office in our basement. We kept the personal ones of Cerwin’s truck (Myers and Ferrelgas), Jeff’s White Oak Mills and a few other models of friend’s trucks.

After entering the market and auction part of Root’s, our first stop was for French fries. Fink’s are delicious. We shared a small bag, because we wanted to taste a few other things.

There are lots of flowers and fresh vegetables this time of year.

Our first purchase was fresh asparagus. It is currently in season in our area.

Before long the sound of bluegrass music captured our attention. The man in the wheelchair (right) joined them with his harmonica. The musician on the left kept time with his feet – a kind of flatfoot dancing sound.

After listening for a bit, we decided to look for a cheese steak – which Cerwin was craving – then come back and sit on the bench behind them to enjoy the music as we ate the sandwich.

Since we hadn’t been here in years, we had no idea where to look for cheese steaks, so enjoyed the search.

Found the stand and shared one sandwich. We were almost finished when I remembered to take a picture. 🙂 It was delicious.

It was relaxing and refreshing to sit behind the guys and enjoy their music.

After the steak we got lemonade at the stand just behind us.

While enjoying the lemonade, our friends Al and Doris walked up to us with ice cream cones. We moved over and made room for them to sit down. I asked where they got the ice cream. It was just a few stands behind us.

While in line for ice cream I talked to our granddaughter Diana, our great grandson Bennett and Diana’s sister-in-law. While we were talking Diana, I saw her waving to someone, but thought it was one of her friends. It was our daughter-in-law, Kristen. So sorry I missed seeing Kristen.

Cerwin talked to the guys a bit and learned they available for concerts. I took this information from the business card they gave us.

The Part Time Managers

(fulltime dreamers)

World, Fok & Americana Duo.

Traditional, Favorites, Originals.

FB & IG @theparttimemanagers

We bought two apple dumplings to take home – for future savoring.

It was nice having time to wander through the people and see all the things for sale. I think I am going to enjoy this total retirement thing. 🙂