Sunday Evening, April 24
Some of their children were playing a lawn game when we arrived. The adults: Zach, Donovan, Jordan, Nate, Jeff, Lauree, Chris and Gloria. The little people: Drake and Bennett.
Jenna, Lois, Chris, Drake, Bennett and Diana.
Above: Some of the birthday people filling their gift bags with their choice of drinks and snacks. We were celebrating their family’s late fall to early spring birthdays: Zach, Gloria, Drake, Donovan, Bennett and Jenna.
Jenna and Drake were leaving early to give Dustan a break and his turn at another gathering. Jade was unable to go to either because of a springtime cold.
Bennett in his happy place – “driving” PaPa’s old truck.
Bennett enjoying his birthday cupcake.
A happy place for me is being with any mix of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.