Photo Choice for Today


Our First Crocus

Monday, March 7

9:40 AM


Your crocuses might be a sign of springtime to you – as they are for me – but, to me, ours are even more.

It was 48 1/2 years ago (September 14, 1973) when my mom gave us 10 small, brown crocus bulbs for our tenth wedding anniversary, saying, “These may not be very pretty right now, but they will be pretty next spring when they bloom.”

Photo from the internet

For that reason, our crocuses always remind me of that evening, and when they bloom, I know it’s close to the date she died – March 16, 1974 – six months after giving them to us. She had an awful cancer hidden in her body that took her from us way too soon – age 52 – to live with God, just two weeks after it was discovered.

I am selfish about this flower bed – never adding new crocus bulbs. If someone gives me a springtime, potted planter that includes crocus, they are always planted in another flower bed. That way I know these have come from the original bulbs given to us that evening.