Saturday, March 5

We enjoy visiting this vendor show each winter – to see items offered by friends and family.

Our niece Karen (left) was taking care of the stand that advertised the meat they sell at their farm – the homestead you see on many of my scenery photos. Cerwin and I each enjoyed a sample.

Her daughter Ashea was next to her, selling one of my favorites – Cocoa Bombs.

Another niece, Chelsey, (right), and her friend Stephanie were visiting when I stopped at Chelsey’s stand. She is a Thirty One Gifts consultant.

I love homemade bread, so stopped to purchase some from Kim Groff.
On a side note: we went to Mike and Kim’s house for Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner a week later. Since we have a fairly large church, we enjoy participating in this each year. It is a great way to visit with people from our congregation who we may not see on a regular basis.

Some of Kim’s sweet rolls and bread. We bought half a loaf of bread and a sweet roll.

These three were selling homemade biscotti and scones. They made everything themselves.

Heidi (center) is a great niece of ours. Her friends are Aubrey and Emma.

It was a cold day, so Cerwin and I shared a cocoa bomb and biscotti when we got home.
If you are not familiar with cocoa bombs. There are made in a variety of flavors. I think this was white chocolate and raspberry. You drop this is a hot cup of milk. It will soon “explode” and everything that is inside makes a delicious cup of hot chocolate.

I forget the flavor of this biscotti, but it was the best I ever had.
Oh, my – homemade biscotti and scones? I wish I’d known about this show! Have to keep that in mind for next year!
Oh, my – and it’s in Manheim – Farm Show building next to the High School.
The goodies all look delicious — I was about to ask about cocoa bombs, so thank you for the explanation. I’ve never seen them here!
They are popular here – and delicious.