Sunday Evening, February 20

When we came home from visiting Barb’s house (yesterday’s post), I noticed that a few daffodils and tulips were peeking through the ground. (Now that we are in March, they are taller.) It has been cold, so they aren’t making much progress.

We were looking forward to an evening dinner appointment at our neighbors, Denny and Karen’s house.
We enjoyed great conversation and her delicious soup and yummy desserts. Our daughter Diane and my sister Nancy and her husband, Marlin, were the other guests.
There were two soup choices: one included chicken and the other venison. We teased them that we thought there would be bison in one of them. as they raise bison.

I have known Karen all her life and used to babysit her and her siblings when I was a teenager. Her parent’s and my parent’s farm were next to each other.
Now we are separated by the two farms – about a mile apart by road. Their son lives on their homestead and our niece and her family live on our homestead.

I took these pictures of a few of bison just outside their kitchen door. It was cold and windy, so I didn’t bother walking toward their pen.

Cerwin thought he remembered Denny saying they have between 45 and 50 in their herd. We drive by their farm several times a week and especially enjoy when there are a bunch of little “red” babies in the field – usually in springtime.

If you live in our area and are interested in buying bison meat, check out their Facebook page.
Old Springhouse Bison Farm | Facebook

Photo from Olde Springhouse Bison Farm Facebook page.
We’re starting to see bison meat in the stores here these days!
Bison farms have become more popular in recent years.