Springtime Beauty in Our Yard
~~~ Friday, March 18 1:50 PM ~~~ Decorative pear tree is budding I think this is a budding maple tree. Hyacinth Daffodils Crocus
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
~~~ Friday, March 18 1:50 PM ~~~ Decorative pear tree is budding I think this is a budding maple tree. Hyacinth Daffodils Crocus
We love you! https://www.facebook.com/chris.m.high.9 Grandpa and Grandma High
~~~ Friday Afternoon March 18 ~~~ We went to the drive-through chicken barbecue on Friday afternoon while the mud sale men and women set up for the auctions – which would be held on Friday evening and Saturday morning and afternoon. The meal included a chicken leg and thigh, baked potato, dinner roll, cold slaw […]
We love you! https://www.facebook.com/jana.high Grandpa and Grandma High
~~~ A Foggy View Friday Morning March 18 7:16 AM ~~~ We couldn’t see anything beyond our yard.
~~~ Fundraiser for Hope Served Thursday, March 17 5:00 PM ~~~ Manheim Brethren in Christ (MBIC) middle school Sunday school class hosted a chili and baked potato bar to support Hope Served. Each person paid for their meal with a donation. Our invitation came from our youngest grandson, Jesse (right). We were early, so the […]
~~~ Daffodils Photo from Thursday, March 17 1:03 PM ~~~
~~~ Sunrise Photo from Tuesday, March 15 6:56 AM ~~~
~~~ Snow Didn’t Hinder Amish Church Photo from Sunday March 13 ~~~
~~~ Photos from Saturday, March 12 ~~~ One day we have sunshine and can work in the yard, the next day it looks like this! I decided to focus on the window so you can see what we saw. Later in the day, after the snow stopped, our windows were clear, and I put some […]
~~~ Eastern Bluebird from Thursday, March 10 4:46 PM ~~~ I took advantage of the late afternoon lighting.
~~~ Wednesday, March 9 12:31 PM ~~~ As with most of you in our area, I am ready for the starlings to go somewhere else. However, birds of any kind fascinate me. Look at those feet. At first, I thought this was another starling, then I noticed the marking on its wing – the sign […]
~~~ Red-bellied Woodpecker Tuesday, March 8 9:00 AM ~~~ I enjoyed watching him enjoy our suet. I think he is suspicious that I am watching him.
~~~ Tuesday, March 8 2:58 PM ~~~ I was surprised when I looked out the window and saw this pedal bike going by our house. I told Cerwin, “We need one of those.” Several minutes later, he made a return trip. You can tell by his shirt sleeves that it was a nice, warm, […]
~~~ Sunrise from Monday, March 7 6:34 AM ~~~
~~~ Our First Crocus Monday, March 7 9:40 AM ~~~ Your crocuses might be a sign of springtime to you – as they are for me – but, to me, ours are even more. It was 48 1/2 years ago (September 14, 1973) when my mom gave us 10 small, brown crocus bulbs for our […]