from Saturday Evening, February 12
Diane organized a game night at our place for their three Pennsylvania children (Josiah, Abby and Lydia) and when the word got out, her brothers also showed interest, so they and Kristen became part of our fun evening of playing Scum.
Following a meal of chili con carne and grilled cheese sandwichs we separated the two tables to create two separate games.
At the end of each game the “president” and “scum” exchanged tables. That became a fun way of playing with new people. If you are not familiar with this game, people exchange seats according to the winner of the previous game.
The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of your cards. That person becomes president. We used Rook cards. In this game colors don’t matter, but numbers do.
In the game below Jeff is “president”, I am “vice president”, Cerwin is “person 1”, Anthony is “person 2”, Jere is “assistant scum” and Kristen is “scum”.

This was the first time Anthony played Scum. It didn’t take him long to catch on.
By the way, these three photos are from Diane’s cell phone.

The other table: Nathaniel, Natalie, Abby, Lydia and Josiah. The empty spot was Diane’s. She was president and Josiah was scum.

Natalie (our youngest great grandchild) happily watched from her chair – until Jasmine interrupted her peace by trying to climb unto the back of her chair. There is no photo of Jasmine as she mostly played with toys and things on the floor.
The word spread about our fun evening. Diana asked for another game night. We told her to pick a night and time the following week.
There will pictures of that evening in a few days.