Sunday Afternoon, December 5

Following a make-your-own taco salad lunch and a Now-You-Have-It-Now-You-Don’t game for the Myers’ family, we invited the rest of the family to stop in for a dessert bar.
It was bound to happen in our large family of 44. Due to logistics and schedules, we will have a second Christmas celebration on the 19th. Next year there will be at least 3 more great grandchildren – moving us to 47 family members – so scheduling won’t be getting any easier. There were a few who couldn’t come to either celebration.

Diane visiting with Jere, Kristen, Ian, Jared and Jesse. Jeff, Jasmine, Abby and Mark in the background.

I love walking around with my camera to get casual shots of what is going on. Lydia is on the cell phone, Natalie and Jasmine (sisters) are doing their own kind of communication and Nathaniel and Jeff are talking – maybe about Nathaniel’s accident the other week. Notice his left hand.

He was working on the sleeper of a big rig when it came down on his arm – between his wrist and elbow. The sleeper was so heavy that Nathaniel couldn’t move it – and he was alone and could not get to his cell phone. The owner of the rig felt a need to go home instead of visiting with other drivers and found Nate with his arm pinched under the sleeper. If I remember correctly Chuck had to use a piece of equipment to lift it off of him – I think a jack.
There are no broken bones, but there is damage to the nerves in his arm – a very painful situation. Keep his recovery in your prayers.

Josiah, “Oh, no, here comes Grandma with her camera. Heze, “Oh, no, here comes Grandma with her camera, I better smile.”

I found these 4 in the kitchen. Diana and Kayla may or may not have been discussing babies. Bennett is enjoying Kayla’s lap and help from Hannah with his toy. Kayla and Hannah are sisters-in-law and would be something like cousins-and-a-half to Bennett because Hannah and Diana are cousins.

Jazzy and Bennett are second cousins and appear to share some of the same family genes.

Later I noticed them playing on the garage floor. Bennett wanted some of the things she had in her bag, but sharing isn’t easy when you are only 2 years old.

Grammy Diane was on the floor enjoying Natalie, her newest granddaughter.

Deb feeding Bennett from the dessert bar.

Met these two again. This time the brothers were both smiling.

Grandma Chris enjoying Bennett. What a blessing to have parents, grandparents, great grandparents and aunts and uncles who love you.

Lydia and Uncle Jeff

Sisters: Diane and Deb enjoyed time together.

A game of Qwirkle with Anthony and his uncles.

Mark and Nathaniel

Kayla, Diane, Deb, Natalie, Abby, Jeff and Cerwin

Natalie certainly has different hair coloring than Jasmine – her older sister – who is very blond.

The youngest and oldest lady in the house. Natalie with Great Grandma High.

I see Zuck characteristics (Nathaniel’s family) in her eyes and that pretty mouth is definitely a Myers characteristic.

Jeff and Cerwin – probably looking at pictures of some family and friend’s deer hunting successes this year.