

Thursday, November 25


We woke up to a frosty, cold, beautiful morning – making it feel like a Thanksgiving Day.

We talked about the beauty and frost as we went to Thanksgiving Day service at church.

Our Thanksgiving Day service is a highlight of our church’s year because it’s a morning when our members and friends share highlights of the year – sometimes blessings that began as a struggle.

Following the service, we came home and relaxed a bit before going to Jere and Kristen’s for lunch.

Josh, Emily and Tucker setting up a charcuterie tray on the porch – for a mid-afternoon birthday party for Tucker.

Inside the smoked turkey was “resting” a bit before Jere carved it. I uncovered it for the photo, then put the tin foil cover back on it.

Table decorations

Flowers for Jere and Kristen from Roy and Deb.

Tucker showed her “hand” turkey poster to Jere and Kristen and was pleased to show it to my camera.

Lunch is almost ready.

Jere and Kristen made a delicious meal.

Following lunch everyone came to our place to help carry a few things out of our basement office. Since we are retired, we have a lot of things we are no longer using. We have one very old, heavy desk that Cerwin sawed in half. It must be from the ’70s. 🙂 The guys carried the two parts up the steps. (Cerwin and Jeff took it and a few other things to a scrap yard this morning – and even got paid for the items.) 🙂

We watched a bit of football, then it was time for Tucker’s birthday celebration.

We came home to enjoy the flowers that Roy and Deb gave us.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.