A Delightful Day


Thursday, November 4


Another frosty morning outside our windows.

Before the sun melted the frost, I noticed several Amish buggies and as I thought, “That is unusual for a Thursday morning,” I thought, “That must mean there is a wedding in the neighborhood. They are usually held on a Tuesday or Thursday in our area of the country.

A short time later Anthony and Jasmine arrived for a few hours. Anthony had to do some homework before he could watch more Paw Patrol on TV.

Jazzy asked to “do school too”. That meant she wanted to match the dice colors in our purple box.

“Is this the right color, Grandma?”

“No, we are doing purple right now. Can you find a purple one?”

Then while we were playing a computer game of colored tiles, I saw a Facebook “blip” in the corner of the computer from our niece Amy. She mentioned that she did a lot of baking for a business and had leftovers for purchase. She lives in our neighborhood, so I quickly answered that I would take six tiny berry pies, six pumpkin cupcakes and a dozen chocolate chip cookies (a few samples above). The cookies were still warm! Oh, yum.

Jazzy wanted to go along, so after getting the baked items, we drove by the farm where I thought the wedding was probably happening.

I was on the wrong side of the sun for good lighting, but there was obviously a wedding going on.

I was on the right side of the sun to see some pretty trees.

Our house was also on the right side of the morning sun.