Tuesday Evening, October 5
This was a gift to Mark and Diane for his 60th birthday in 2020. However, COVID and weather postponed it until Mark’s 61st birthday.

We met Jim (owner of Androscoggin Balloon Adventures) and some of his crew at a Park and Ride in Lewiston, ME.

They asked us to follow them to Geiger – at another area of Lewiston.

The first job was to unload the balloon and basket.

Next, the balloon needed to be unfolded onto the large lawn.

Cool air was blown in first.

One of the volunteers motioned for me to get a photo of the inside – from the top.

Jim told us that each of his volunteers works for a free meal after the event is over.

From the bottom/basket area

An interesting fact – since you can see Geiger on the building. This is where the Farmer’s Almanac is printed.

Time for the heat.

Almost ready for the three Myers.

Instructions for the flight

Up, up and away.

The next set of 4 pictures is from Diane’s camera – looking down.

We were following the chase truck. She asked us to not stop too close to her in case she had to back up to turn around.

We also saw two battery-powered parachutes while watching the balloon.

I thought this view of the balloon – with the fall leaves – was extra pretty.

Coming in for the landing.

The wind took them to Jim’s home! One of his helpers said that happens every now and then.

They “walked” it across the driveway to a larger part of the yard. Jim’s wife (right) helped with that.

The happy occupants of the basket.

The balloon was laid out and neatly organized.

As soon as I took this picture, I realized that I was on the wrong side of the setting sun, but liked the picture.

Diane took a picture of me about that time.

Now, that is better since I have my back to the sun.

While they were getting the balloon in place I walked to the other end of the yard to photograph the sunset and White Mountains.

Jim tried to locate Mount Washington for me, but it was hidden behind clouds.

To finish the evening Jim explained why there is a champagne toast (or ginger ale and orange juice for those who don’t drink alcohol). There was also cheese and crackers.

I got this from the internet, because I didn’t remember everything he said:
The tradition of a champagne toast after a hot air balloon ride dates back to the 1780’s when hot air balloons first took flight. Also, the first ones were not manned.
The first manned hot air balloon flight took place on November 21st, 1783 in Paris, France when hot air ballooning was a groundbreaking science. Because most had never heard of or seen a hot air balloon at the time, many onlookers were afraid of the “dragon-like” hot air balloons, and would often attack balloons with pitchforks. Hot air balloons were also unpopular with farmers as they were not fond of balloons landing in their fields and disturbing their crops.
On one of the first successfully manned balloon flights, the passengers carried along a bottle of champagne to enjoy during the flight, but instead of actually drinking it, it was used as an offer of goodwill to the farmers whose field their balloon had landed in. The champagne convinced the farmers that the balloon was far from being a fierce dragon, and acted as an apology or peace offering for disturbing the land and animals grazing in the field – and a tradition was born.

Today, upon landing, it remains a tradition with balloonists’ around the world to offer champagne to passengers after a hot air balloon ride and and recite the Balloonist’s Prayer – which Jim did during our toast.
“The winds have welcomed you with softness. The sun has blessed you with his warm hands. You have flown so well and so high, that God has joined you in your laughter and set you gently back again into the loving arms of mother earth.”

Thank you, Jim, and crew for giving our family a safe ride.

We drove back to Mark and Diane’s place while listening to stories of the beautiful evening – especially seeing the ocean on the east and White Mountains on the west at the same time when they were at their highest vantage point.
We enjoyed a delicious, waffle iron, carrot cake to close the day.
A wonderful post — Diane’s pictures give a great idea of what it must be like, and yours of the balloon coming down between the trees are delightful shots! I love her shot of you, as well! And a carrot cake to finish the day — happy birthdays to Mark!
It was a delightful day.