Lunch with Roy & Deb – Part 1


Sunday Afternoon, September 26


This was Roy and Deb’s choice for their birthday meal for 2021.

I love atmosphere with my meals, so this was a real treat for my soul.

This restaurant is located on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

What fun to watch boats and ships going by us. The canal is a 14-mile, sea-level ship canal that connects Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay.

A tug pushing a barge.

This boat looks like it can go at very high speeds. 🙂 There are four 400-hp engines.

The canal does not have a speed limit, but every one seems to respect the notice to respect those who live along the canal. We saw no speeding.

The Chesapeake City Bridge is right next to the restaurant.

Several boats docked next to the restaurant so the occupants could enjoy lunch.

The dog waited patiently while its owner finished the docking process, then went along with them to the outdoor bar next to us. It is part of the restaurant.

Enjoying the afternoon while we waited for our meal.

Soup and salad for our appetizers.

Lunch arrived! Deb’s steak.

Roy’s fish

Cerwin’s steak

My flounder and crab

When I took a picture of our desserts, I realized that I had a photo of Roy’s injured finger. When working on a trailer a few weeks ago, it came down on his index finger taking off the tip – from the bottom of his finger nail to the end. Ouch! He is doing well and will have to adjust to a shortened finger on his right hand.

Our delicious desserts.

While enjoying dessert, a few yachts went by. A person sitting next to us must have an app that gave him the price of the vessel when he entered the name.

He said out loud to us and those nearby, 1 million, 1.4 million, etc.

It was a bit breezy, so the guys on the sail boat had to make some adjustments to stay on course.

After leaving the restaurant Roy drove to the other side of the canal so we could see where we had just been eating.

I circled where we had been sitting. The boat on the left is the one in which the dog was riding.

Roy and Deb live in Amish country – south of Lancaster – so we began seeing lots of Amish young people and families as they went home during the afternoon.

I took all these photos from the back seat of Roy and Deb’s jeep.

Deb was waving to them.

More about our day in my next post – when Roy and Deb took us on another, fun excursion.