Agape Restaurant with Friends


Wednesday, September 15


We arrived at Agape just before 1:00 pm. I had called ahead, but we were warned that it was a busy day and we may have to wait awhile.

Some of us walked through the pretty gift shop.

I love this quote: “Let your story become your song and sing out for all to hear.”

Shortly after I went outside and relaxed on a porch chair I saw this three-car crash. Not sure what happened, but we learned that one of the cars was turning into the restaurant parking lot.

It was the first time I ever saw a crash. We have come upon accidents shortly after they happened, but this time I actually saw the first two cars hit, then almost immediately the third car hit the other two – spinning them slightly like a pinwheel.

This, at least, made our wait quite interesting as we watched EMTs, Firemen, policemen and ambulances arrive. It actually made our wait even longer, because several waitressed seemed to be involved with the fire company or EMTs.

It was about 2:00 pm when we sat down to enjoy lunch with some of TFC’s “Old Guard”. Left to right: Me, Barb, Sam, Inge, Bunny and Peg.

A cheese steak

A ham wrap with a variety of “fixings.”

Haddock sandwich.

I got smoked brisket in a bun. The bun was large and the meat really thick. I took out so much brisket that I had a half sandwich of brisket for lunch every day for the rest of the week. 🙂

The remains of the accident were cleaned up and the cars towed away about the time we left.

We learned that there were some serious injuries.