Saturday, September 4
This is a weeklong Bible Conference and Camp Meeting that has been happening in our church in the southeastern area of Pennsylvania and surrounding states for sixty-eight years.

About every two years they have a special meeting for the ladies on Saturday afternoon. I was asked to be the ladies speaker for 2020, but then it was cancelled due to COVID.

I was glad to have our oldest daughter Diane as a chauffeur because it is about an hour and a half from our place. It was one of the reasons she was here from Maine. I don’t do very much public speaking anymore, so I was a bit nervous for this – even though I felt well prepared.
Cerwin had planned to do the driving for me, but then had an invitation that he couldn’t turn down – and I didn’t want him to – an invitation to go wild hog hunting in Tennessee with Jere and Ian. I will tell you more about in another post.

The entrance to the motel and meeting rooms. The circular driveway was lined with campsites and cabins.

We were about 45 minutes early and found the room where small groups have meetings. Diane practiced taking a picture while I arranged my things in the front.

One of Diane’s childhood friends Barb had the opening devotions and told a few stories about spending time in our house when she was a young girl and a teenager.

I enjoyed this great group of ladies. Diane said she counted 40 – which is what I was told to expect.

I was supposed to tell them some things I learned about God in my journey of becoming an older woman.
What I learned – bottom line: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind – and your neighbor as yourself.
I reminded them that God means what He says in the Bible; Jesus is Lord; Satan is real and that your neighbor is anyone who is not you – anyone who God brings into your life.
We drove the entire way (1 1/2 hours each way) without any problems until we got into a deep conversation and missed our Lancaster/Lebanon Exit on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. There is no turning around on the turnpike and the next exit was 19 1/2 miles away.
So – we decided on a different place for supper. I had chosen a local restaurant – not far from our correct exit.

Diane knew about this really neat coffee shop in Ephrata – and I love coffee shops. She and Abby had eaten here several times.
I was so emotionally drained when I finished speaking that the extra time of driving was good for my body.

Diane loves flavored, hot drinks and chose a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate – with pumpkin. I got a mango smoothie with whipped cream.

I enjoyed the signs and atmosphere while waiting for our food.

We both enjoy unique food so ordered Hawaiian Chicken sliders and waffle sweet potato fries.

Not just regular sweet potato fries, but fries covered with cheese and pork.
Everything was delicious – and we were able to take enough home for Sunday lunch.

We came home to these flowers and cookies from our daughter-in-law Kristen. I smiled at the note, because she didn’t know whether I did a great job or not. I wasn’t feeling that secure myself, but the note and gift were incredibly thoughtful.

It was nice to spend the rest of the evening relaxing and recovering from the day.
Doris Jean, you DID do a great job! I’ve thought about some of your points since then! Thanks so much for your time and wisdom!
Oh, you are so kind. Thanks, Barb. You are an encouragement and blessing to me.