As some of you know, I stopped feeding the birds for about a month, until our Pennsylvania “powers that be” told us it was okay again.

The feed we were using wasn’t the problem. The problem was that birds were getting sick and dying and they were trying to have us “stop” the spread. (a bit like COVID I guess.)

Several days ago there was a hummingbird hovering outside our large kitchen window – like she was saying, “It is okay if you feed us again.”

I told her that I would be right there and immediately cleaned the feeder and added fresh syrup.

Within minutes there was a hummingbird at the feeder and they have been busy ever since.

Because of their busyness at the feeders, I am suspicious they are preparing for migration.
Great shots of the hummingbirds — I’m glad they came back!
Thanks. It is fun having them back.