Wednesday, September 1

It was the day it rained!
We usually go to our local PaulB Hardware, but this was Open House for the Mechanicsburg store and our son Jere had been involved in its construction from the very beginning.
Cerwin goes to our local PaulB so often that I tell people – “If we drove a horse and buggy, the horse would turn into that store every time we got close to it.”

This trailer is a “sign board” at the interstate exit.

Another sign board for interstate travelers and those looking for the location of the building.

Entering the store. I was impressed with the managers and heads of departments. Each one created a very friendly and welcoming environment.
The employees were especially friendly – and complimentary of Jere – when they learned that we were his parents. We certainly got the impression that Jere had done a good job.

Jere took us up and down most aisles and into back rooms that are used for storage, IT information and the electric grid.
Jere is Facilities Manager for Paul B Zimmerman, Lititz, PA. That means he oversaw the remodeling of this building into a new facility for PaulB Hardware. If I remember correctly this used to be a grocery store.
He coordinated with local government for permits and obtained contractors for those who did the construction, wiring, etc. He also worked with the team who purchased supplies for the store.
He still has a few things to do here, but is already moving on to his next responsibility as Facilities Manager. He was born for this kind of work.

After the tour he took us to the coffee shop across the street for lunch.

They appreciate that PaulB employees are coming to their restaurant.

The Cracked Pot is a specialty coffee shop that employs and develops youth who are approaching or have already aged out of foster care.

Their goal is to create a warm, welcoming environment where the love of Jesus is reflective to everyone, while providing exceptional coffee, food and service to the community.

Their mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus by loving, listening and mentoring the youth they employ and work with, all while providing the community with excellent drinks, food and service.

I liked reading their internet mission and the closing sentence that says, “Join us as we change lives and our community one cup of coffee at a time.”
Congratulations to Jere — it looks beautiful! And the Cracked Pot is an excellent endeavor too — good to be able to support such an effort!
Congratulations to Jere. The LORD sure had a plan for him after DHIA. I always enjoyed seeing and talking with him at the Lancaster banquet and the truck rally.
Yes, the Lord had GOOD plans for him.