Wednesday, September 1
I expect most of you heard that we had a lot of rain yesterday here in the northeast.

We had rain almost all day long, causing minor and major flooding in our area.

We are okay because we aren’t real close to any creeks or rivers, but the rain did keep our two sump pumps busy.

Cerwin had an appointment at Costco in the middle of the afternoon – which is when I took these pictures.
We had to bypass our regular route to get home, but had no serious trouble.

We had almost 5 inches by late afternoon, and when Cerwin emptied this later, the water was up in the green/funnel section.
Most people in our area had 6 inches of rain, which is what we expect we had at our place.
Today the skies are clear and sunny.
Wow! That’s a lot of rain all at once! Glad you are all okay.