Saturday Afternoon, August 7

After getting out of our horse-drawn carriage, which dropped us off at the same place where we got on several hours earlier, we caught the scent of fudge in the air, located the source and went inside to get a taste. As we walked in the door, these two men were pouring a new batch into a large pan.

We asked about buying fudge, but the only thing for purchase was a fairly large block. We did not want that much fudge. She said, would you like a sample? She gave us several choices. Oh, yum!
We savored the taste of warm fudge for several blocks as we walked away from the busy part of town.

We had a good view of the Mackinac Bridge. The bridge is the dividing point between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

Shepler’s and Star Line – the two ferry services to and from the island – could be seen transporting passengers almost anytime we looked out toward Lake Huron.

We passed several beautiful flower gardens as we walked away from and back toward the busy part of town.

We laughed as we watched this busy bee. I told Cerwin it acted like it was drunk with pollen, making it very difficult to get a photo.

Notice the yellow pollen?

As we were talking about where to eat an early supper, I noticed this setting and hoped it was a restaurant that was open to the public and not just to those who were staying at the hotel.

I located the walkway to the restaurant and was delighted that it was open to anyone on the street.

It was about 3:45 PM and we hadn’t eaten anything since having coffee and donuts at Surrey Hill during the late morning – plus the sample of fudge, about an hour earlier.
We like 4 PM meals when on vacation – before restaurants get busy.

We went inside and asked if it was possible to have a meal on the veranda. She said, “Yes, that is the only place where we serve food this time of day.”

The menu was perfect for us – light meals of soups, salads and sandwiches.

She seated us on the left-hand side of the veranda – near the lake. The atmosphere was delightful. I enjoy atmosphere even more than I enjoy food.

The veranda to our right.

We saw this interesting boat several times during the afternoon and evening. We thought it might be a family boat, but it seemed to be coming and going from the dock. Maybe it was a tourist attraction.

Cerwin’s club sandwich.

My salad was made of shrimp, lobster and crab. I enjoyed every bite.

When our waitress came to ask if we wanted dessert, we asked if we could come back for that in two hours.
She assured us we could – and we did. I will tell you about that in my next post.