Saturday Afternoon, August 7

As our team approached the building where we waited on Surrey Hill, we looked forward to a tour of the island.

The horses were each given a drink before they began another tour.

Our tour guide, Jesse, knew his facts about the island and was often humorous when telling a story.

One of our first stops was next to the cemeteries. There are three: Catholic (photo), Protestant and military. The Post Cemetery (military) has graves dating back to the War of 1812 where both British and American soldiers are buried.
The Post Cemetery is one of four cemeteries where our flag continually flies at half mast. The other three are: National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii, Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, and National Cemetery in Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania.
Mackinac Island came under the control of the United States by a treaty after the War of 1812.

Jesse had a lot of stories about the island and what happened where.

A quick view of Lake Huron

He told us a lot about the plants and trees.

You will notice that an arrow points to “Governor’s Residence”. This is the summer residence for whomever is governor of Michigan.

These steps are the long way to view Arch Rock which is a natural limestone arch and tourist attraction on the island.

I took the short way – just a dozen or so steps – for this view. We stopped here for 15 minutes – to give the horses another drink, time for us to see Arch Rock and use the restrooms.

Following an interesting tour that lasted more than an hour, we stopped at the barn to get a new trio of horses. They were waiting for us.

Removing those who gave us the tour.

Going back to the barn for food and rest.

Backing our new team into place.

…and we were quickly on our way again. Jesse said this is one of his favorite teams.

We went back to Surrey Hill where we got another carriage ride to downtown.

On the way we saw some very old fire-fighting equipment and met many other carriages with tourists.

This was another location where you could rent a carriage ride.

We have never seen so many bicycles available for rent.

The island if filled with beautiful flower gardens.

The Grand Hotel is a landmark on the island. Each of the 397 guest rooms is uniquely decorated. No two are identical room. They claim to have the world’s longest porch.

Back in town.

Thus our carriage rides came to an end – three-and-a-half hours later.
That was an experience beyond our expectations.
In my next post I will show you more pretty – and delicious – things as we walked along the lake and enjoyed a middle of the afternoon meal.