Sunday, August 1

On the way to church, we noticed that the sky was clear of smoke from the fires in Canada, then as we approached Bemidji, we saw this – smoke in the horizon.

Smoke over Lake Bemidji

Since COVID, they have been holding worship services in the meeting room of Japheth’s A Stitch in Time shop. Because of COVID they were no longer able to meet in the church building they were renting.

It was Bob’s turn to preach this Sunday.
When we got back to the house, Doris had a taco salad prepared – with the meat in the crockpot. We all relaxed during the early afternoon.

Jon and his children were coming for a doggie roast supper. In this photo Bob and Doris are putting items on the table.

Andre, Doris, Bob, Jon, Cerwin, Dietrich, David and Alisha. It was good to visit with Jon and the children and discuss the pain of Jen’s death at the end of March.

Alisha has certainly been a big help to her dad and brothers as she took on the task of doing the cooking and housekeeping. (If I remember correctly, she is 15.) She brought this wonderful cake for this meal. It was as delicious as it looks. There was also some of the strawberry topping inside the cake – spread between layers.

I am not sure how it happened, but I offered to show the children how to take pictures with my camera. That seemed to be a hit. They took turns walking around the yard, learning to zoom and focus.

These were a few of the pictures I took as I showed them how my camera works.

There are lots of opportunities to take photos of stacks of wood as they heat their house, the small house (where Japheth Jr. lives and the shop.
I will show you their pictures in my next blog.