Saturday, July 31

When planning our trip to see Bob and Doris, they thought we would enjoy this festival, the reason we chose the last weekend of July.

After helping Bob and Doris set up their stand, I walked around the park to check out other vendors.

Several of Bob and Doris’ grandchildren were manning their stand of things they create. Loraine, David and Jaden were there the first time I went by. Jaden creates some of these items.

Moving on to other vendors

I went to watch a pine needle basket making demonstration.

I went back to the Stauffer grandchildren’s stand. Wayne was back. He and Jaden are the masterminds behind most of the things as these tables. At the table: Wayne, David, Jaden and Dietrich.

Wayne is also learning cabinet making as an apprentice with his Grandpa Stauffer.

The bolt and lever action and shotgun pens were a highlight at their table. They were pleased with their sales by the end of the day.

A driftwood crafter

I spent a lot of time watching this lady chainsaw artist as she went from a block of wood to a beautiful bear.

Music under the big tent

An interesting artisan across the walkway from us.

I waited until afternoon to take pictures at Bob and Doris’ stand – for the afternoon lighting.

They had a busy day. Bob said it was the best day ever for sales. They were a bit concerned earlier in the day because there were several other honey, jam and maple syrup stands. They are great about introducing themselves to the other vendors who have similar items.

Doris preparing honey sticks for two of their young grandchildren while Bob takes a needed break. I don’t think he sat very long. It was an exhausting but blessed day for them.

He also had a children’s kitchen available for sale. I couldn’t count how many times someone stopped and said, “Oh, how cute.” but there was no sale.

It was also a good day for Dietrich. He sold most of the cookies he had at the stand.
I was glad we planned our trip around this weekend. It was a fabulous day.