Friday Evening, July 30

Cerwin and I were looking forward to having supper at Japheth and Aimee’s house. It was built since we were in Minnesota in 2015. We had seen pictures, but there is nothing quite like being there. In this photo, Alisha (Jon’s daughter), Jon (Japheth’s brother), Aimee and Loraine. Jon’s wife, Jenn, died earlier this year (pancreatic cancer) which is one of the reasons we planned this trip. We needed to hug them.

Aimee prepared a “super” salad bar – using almost anything that goes into a salad.

Bob and Veronica – Japheth and Aimee’s youngest.

My favorite picture of the evening – Doris, Bob and Cerwin with the four youngest girls. There is Rose, Lilly, Daisy and Veronica.

Japheth and Cerwin talking about the unique bench at their kitchen table (next photo). Violet with her back to the camera.

Veronica with her uncle Jon.

Suppertime! Dietrich, Bob, Doris, Loraine, David, Cerwin, me and Rose. Japheth told me he took a few pictures that included me. I thought he meant with his camera, but apparently it was with my camera.
Japheth and Aimee have an amazing plan where big children help little children. In this case I was supposed to choose someone to help me – a little one helping a big one. I hope someone in the Stauffer family will give me her name.

Aimee even had flowers for a salad topping.

Dietrich and Alisha (hidden) Andre, Violet, Lily (being teased by big brother Jaden), Lynne and Wayne.
I enjoyed a tour of their large house. There is a girls “dorm”, Loraine shares a room with two little sisters and there are two regular sized rooms for the boys. Their two oldest boys are no longer living at home. Japheth Jr. lives in the small house next to Bob and Doris. He is an electrician. Jeremiah serves in a nursing home on the east coast.

The sun was setting as we drove home. The sun sets late here and the skies are still smoky from the Canadian wildfires. This is pretty much what the sky looked like. The next picture was from a change of camera setting.

It wasn’t this dark, but I loved how the picture turned out.
The next post will be about the Woodcarver’s Festival in Blackduck.
That’s a lovely looking kitchen — and a lovely looking gathering with great food!
It is a lovely kitchen and fabulous gathering – with amazing food.
That was Rose “helping” you. ?