Thursday, July 29

After the farmer’s market Bob dropped Doris, Cerwin and me off at their son, Japheth’s store in Bemidji.

Japheth and Aimee’s oldest daughter Loraine was in the main part of the store welcoming customers and doing prep work for the next weeks sewing camp.

They have a beautiful, large store – much larger than the one they had when we were here in 2015.
My blog notes say we did not go to Bemidji when we were here in 2013 because we had a TFC tractor – and were on our way home from delivering a chapel to Calgary. I love to be able to search through my blog notes for dates, etc.

They have some large and interesting sewing machine equipment – plus a large inventory of sewing machines and equipment.

I love all the thread colors.

Their sons Wayne and Jaden have a display of the specialty pens they make – Cerwin especially likes his lever and bolt action pens.

You can even buy a set in a “gun case” (upper right). I will show you a better display in a few days when I post pictures from Blackduck Woodcarver’s Festival – and a photo of Wayne.

Japheth and Aimee’s son Jaden was in the service room doing maintenance on a sewing machine.

Bob (Japheth’s dad) makes cabinets in a variety of styles to go with sewing machines. He uses hickory, oak and walnut. If I remember correctly this one is hickory.
After leaving Bemidji we went home where Bob did a bit more work with their honey in preparation for the next day’s stand at Scenic Store in Pennington and Saturday’s stand at Blackduck Woodcarver’s Festival.

It was a good time for me to get a few pictures of the beehives as the bees were quite busy.

They have 18 hives with 60-80 thousand per hive. 1,080,000 to 1,440,000 bees!

He pulled some honey to prepare for sales during the next two days.

Sealing the wrapper around a package of honeycomb.

An appropriate sign for their “honey room”.