Wednesday, July 28 – Woodbury, MN to Pennington, MN

It was raining heavily when we left our motel in Woodbury.

However, before long the skies were bright and blue again.

Minnesota, the land of 10,000 Lakes. The internet tells me there are more than 12,000 lakes throughout the state.

As you get toward northern Minnesota you see many trees and lakes.

We love this familiar-looking dirt road – not so much because it is rough and bumpy – but because it leads to Cerwin’s sister Doris and brother-in-law Bob.

Our first sight of their house as we went in their short lane.

We didn’t know what to expect, because two nights earlier (when we were in South Bend) we received a call from Bob with this picture of 2-3″ hail.

This was what the front of the house looked like after the storm.

By the time we got there they had washed the house and cleaned up some of the leaves in the yard, but the back yard and garden showed evidence of the hail.

Green beans


Sweet corn

Red beets


Their pickup truck took the worst beating. The front windshield was broken and the hood is quite dented (above). By the time we got there Bob had the window repaired because he needed it to take supplies to the farmer’s market on Thursday.

The barn and sheds were plastered with leaves on the north side – which is how the storm approached.

On the north side, their little greenhouse was full of holes and hail marks.

Bob was preparing honey for market the next day and asked if Cerwin wanted to help.

Cerwin did the labeling.

We were looking forward to going to Walker Farmer’s Market the next day. You will see those pictures in my next post.
Oh. my — I’ve heard of the damage hail can do, but these photos are really graphic evidence!
It sounds like the hail happened in a 6-mile area around them.